Unsere Geschichte

Celebrating 30 Years of Stories

Since 1994, Our Generation has been more than dolls and accessories – it’s been a canvas for children’s dreams. Each toy we’ve created has a story mirroring the friendships, adventures, and limitless imaginations of the children who have welcomed them into their lives.This 30th anniversary is a celebration of every child who has grown with us, every parent who has chosen us, and every story that has intertwined with ours.

Our Generation welcomes all kids into a world of fun and encourages them to create the narrative of their generation. Our award-winning dolls and accessories continue to inspire children in over 45 countries around the world today, teaching them about the importance of inclusion and empowering them to tell their own stories.

We believe in sharing our enthusiasm and putting kindness into the heart of everything we do, from how our products are made to how they can inspire the next generation.

Jeder ist willkommen!

When children play with dolls that represent themselves or others around them, they feel the joy of belonging and learnaboutthe importance of inclusion.Our dolls celebrate all children, crafted with a range of skin tones, hairstyles, eye colors, and more lifelike features.

Vertrauenswürdiges Spielzeug

Der Spaß liegt im Detail! Von den Sommersprossen einer Puppe bis zum winzigen Regenbogenstreusel auf einem Eisbecher – unsere fleißigen Designer stellen sicher, dass unser Spielzeug nach den höchsten Qualitätsstandards gefertigt, auf Sicherheit getestet und langlebig sind, damit Kinder stundenlang damit spielen können.

The Value of Pretend Play

Unsere Kollektion umfasst eine Vielzahl zeitloser Spielzeuge in unzähligen Themen, die die Hobbys und Interessen eines Kindes widerspiegeln. Jedes Spielzeug ermutigt Kinder, das volle Potenzial ihrer Fantasie zu entfalten, indem sie jeden Tag neue Abenteuer und Geschichten entdecken.

Our Generation hat in den letzten 30 Jahren einen weiten Weg zurückgelegt – von der Gestaltung unserer ersten 46cm Puppe in einem kleinen Studio bis hin zu einer beliebten Spielzeugmarke, die weltweit ganze Spielwelten erschafft.

Mit jedem Jahr streben wir danach, die Spielzeuge zu kreieren, mit denen Kinder spielen wollen, und innovieren ständig innerhalb der wunderbaren Welt der Puppen. Unsere Mission ist es, Kinder glücklich zu machen! Ob ein gemütliches Puppenhaus, ein hübsches Pony oder ein neuer bester Freund – wir designen immer mit unseren Fans im Blick – damals, heute und in Zukunft!

Machen Sie eine Zeitreise und entdecken Sie einige der wichtigsten Momente in der Geschichte von Our Generation.

Vergesset nicht, aufmerksam zu bleiben – es kommt noch mehr!

Our Generation ist DA!

Eine aufregende neue Reihe von 46 cm Puppen und Zubehör kommt in Target-Filialen in den USA, erobert schnell die Herzen der Kinder und inspiriert sie, die Geschichten ihrer Generation zu gestalten.


Nächster Halt? Australien!

Die verspielte Welt von Our Generation erreicht zum ersten Mal Kinder außerhalb Nordamerikas und markiert den Beginn einer internationalen Reise, die sich auf über 70 Länder ausweiten wird.


Süßer Erfolg!

Der Sweet Stop Ice Cream Truck, das kultigste Puppenzubehör von Our Generation, kommt im Herbst auf den Markt und ist immer noch erhältlich!


Doppelt so viel Spaß!

Our Generation Puppen Sia und Sabina kommen auf den Markt und stellen ein Zwillingsschwester-Duo mit Leidenschaften für Wissenschaft und Kunst vor, das auch den Wert der Schwesternschaft fördert. 


Going Global

Our Generation achieves a significant milestone by being actively sold in 50+ countries throughout Europe, South America, and Asia. A true reflection of our quality, creativity, and impact on audiences worldwide.



30 Jahre voller Geschichten

Our Generation feiert sein 30-jähriges Jubiläum mit der Einführung von Sonderedition-Puppen, monatlichen WOW-Giveaways und lustigen Überraschungen, die drei wunderbare Jahrzehnte voller Fantasie, Geschichten und Spaß würdigen. Vielen Dank, dass du ein Teil dieser spektakulären Reise mit uns bist!

This is an extraordinary generation of children, and they have a story to tell. They’re leading the way in protecting the environment, lending a helping hand to those less fortunate, and learning about other cultures and a world outside their own. That’s why we launched Share Your Story, an initiative that gives kids the opportunity to share their acts of kindness, bring joy, and encourage others to do the same. Look for the following stories on the official Our Generation packaging!

This is Savannah’s Story  

Als Savannah erfuhr, dass es auf der Welt weniger glückliche Kinder gibt, wollte sie ihren Teil dazu beitragen, indem sie in ihrer Gemeinde hilft. Jede Woche nimmt sich Savannah vor, lokale Unterkünfte und Einrichtungen zu unterstützen. Ob Schulmaterialien, Bücher, Lebensmittel, Spielzeug oder Kleidung – Savannahs größtes Ziel ist es, sich zu engagieren und anderen Freude zu bringen. Sie geht sogar noch weiter und spendet einen Teil ihres Taschengeldes an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen. Es ist erstaunlich, was ein Kind erreichen kann.

Das ist Braylins Geschichte

Als Braylin vier Jahre alt war, wurde bei ihr juvenile Arthritis diagnostiziert. Trotz vieler Hindernisse und medizinischer Herausforderungen ließ sich Braylin nicht davon abhalten, ihrer Leidenschaft nachzugehen: dem Eiskunstlauf. Obwohl dieser Sport körperlich anspruchsvoll ist, war er nur ein weiteres Hindernis, das Braylin überwinden wollte. Mit einer Kombination aus Übungen, harter Arbeit und Unterstützung ihres Eiskunstlauftrainers hat Braylin auf dem Eis Erfolge erzielt! Heute möchte sie andere mit juvenilem Arthritis ermutigen und hofft, dass ihre Reise und ihr Durchhaltevermögen auch sie dazu inspiriert, ihre Träume zu verfolgen. Es ist erstaunlich, was ein Kind erreichen kann.

Das ist Giovannas Geschichte

Giovanna is a big fan of dolls. In fact, she started making and selling her own handmade bracelets to buy a doll she really wanted. So, when she heard that there are underprivileged kids who don't have dolls of their own, she wanted to do something about it. With the help of her mom, Giovanna contacted local shelters and started making new bracelets to raise enough money to purchase dolls as gifts. Sure enough, Giovanna reached her goal, and she was able to donate the dolls to kids within her community. But the best part for Giovanna? Making others feel as happy as she did when she got her doll. It's amazing what a child can achieve.  

This is Sloane’s Story  

Mit nur 7 Jahren versteht Sloane bereits, was es bedeutet, ihrer Gemeinde etwas zurückzugeben. Sie stellte Pflegepakete für ein örtliches Kinderkrankenhaus zusammen, um Eltern mit Kindern auf der Intensivstation zu unterstützen. Die Pakete enthielten Snacks, Socken, Toilettenartikel und Kleingeld für die Krankenhausautomaten. Auch heute noch verbreitet Sloane Freundlichkeit in ihrer Nachbarschaft, indem sie handgemalte Aquarellkarten und Gartenkits an jede Seniorin und jeden Senior in einem betreuten Wohnzentrum persönlich überreicht. Es ist erstaunlich, was ein Kind erreichen kann.

Das ist Sloanes Geschichte

Lorelai believes all kids deserve the opportunity to play sports, so she does everything she can to make those with limb differences feel welcome. She is part of a local sports camp that specializes in helping limb-different children play sports. Lorelai spreads awareness at her school and raises money that she donates to the camp, which is used to pay for scholarships so that more kids can attend. But Lorelai’s actions don’t stop there. Whenever she meets another child with a limb difference, she is proud to talk about her “special foot” because of how unique it makes her. She encourages them to join the camp and to celebrate what makes them special. It’s amazing what a child can achieve.  

Das ist Berkleighs Geschichte

When Berkleigh learned that there were no food banks in her hometown, she got the idea of building a roadside food pantry with her dad to help fight food insecurity in her community. Once finished, she and her family began stocking the pantry with canned goods, fresh produce from their garden, and essential household items. They also put up a sign that said, "Take What You Need & Leave What You Can." Then something wonderful happened. Berkleigh had inspired others to donate every month, and she's even noticed more pantries popping up in her community and nearby towns. What started as a small idea has grown into something so much more. It's amazing what a child can achieve. 

This is Aubrey’s Story 

When Aubrey learned that a few of her friends had to use a local child safety center to see their families, she and her Girl Scout troop wanted to help. Hosting a Girl Scout birthday party, they used a portion of their funds to collect cooking supplies and put together birthday goodie bags that included cake mixes, party hats, cards, candles, cake pans, and more to donate to the center. They also held a cookie fundraiser to purchase extra supplies and made sure that as many families as possible could enjoy a special celebration during their visit. It’s amazing what a child can achieve.   

This is Kynzie’s Story  

At just 10 years old, Kynzie is already making an impact in her community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she delivered masks for kids to the local daycare, helped create goodie bags for firefighters and nurses, and packed food baskets for families affected by the school shutdowns. Kynzie also participated in a local adoption event for an animal rescue, volunteered at a wildlife rehab, and helped raise money for underprivileged kids through book fairs at her school and acting jobs. It’s amazing what a child can achiev

This is Madaline’s Story   

Confidence and positivity play a key part in everything Maddy loves to do. She served her community by volunteering in annual toy drives, participating in reading groups with local schools, building Christmas care packages for breast cancer patients, and so much more. She knows just how important self-confidence and participation can be. That's why Maddy made it her mission to share that with others, specifically those from marginalized communities. She created and helped run confidence-building workshops and invited 10 young girls to join in community service projects to improve their self-esteem and navigate their anxieties. Today, Maddy has completed over 1,000 hours of community service and received awards for her impactful contributions. It's amazing what a child can achieve. 

This is Millicent’s Story   

Millicent loves all animals! She believes that the best way to help them is by supporting conservation efforts and educating others on the importance of animal life. Millicent looks forward to volunteering at nature centers and zoos in her community. She’s attended horse camps that raised funds for several horse rescues nearby, adopted her pup, Mazie, from a local animal shelter, made insect homes, and helped plant native plants to support wildlife. Millicent hopes to become a veterinarian when she grows up to continue protecting and caring for animals. It’s amazing what a child can achieve.  

This is Aneesa’s Story  

After learning that her older brother was diagnosed with autism, Aneesa has made it her mission to help other children with special needs in her community. Over the last 3 years, Aneesa has raised money to donate to a non-profit organization by participating in bake sales, designing T-shirts and hats, and even rallying her friends to join the cause. She also volunteers in her school’s infants and toddlers program to help kids in the classroom. Aneesa aspires to be an autistic support teacher so she can continue helping children when she grows up. It’s amazing what a child can achieve. 

This is Cora’s Story  

Cora is passionate about leading by example, which inspired her to join the Girl Scouts. Several times a year, Cora and her troop deliver handmade treats and cards to nursing homes, donate food to shelters, and at Christmastime, she helps the local police load up toys and trees to gift to less fortunate kids. Cora has also learned first aid and how to preserve the environment. She’s planted trees and flowers at local parks, donated funds from cookie sales to help with reforestation, and volunteered in highway cleanups. It’s amazing what a child can achieve.